Monday, March 11, 2019
Othello Character
loWhen an individual experiences feelings of jealousy towards their partner in a relationship, it often results in feelings of anger and distrust, which cause them to sabotage the partnership and possibly end it. Shakespeares protagonist, Othello, leads deceived and ineffectual to decide in whom to place his trust. The noble fasten chooses wrong copiousy and places himself low the loyalty of Iago, tout ensembleowing him to corrupt and transform him, destroying his sanity and relationships with others. Consequently, the binds trustworthiness and envy become his ill-definednesses and result in his d throwcastfall.In the play Othello, by William Shakespeare, the protagonists flaws contribute to his downfall from a noble s gray-hairedier to an irrational man, suggesting that when a an individual experiences jealousy in a relationship, it becomes the corruption that destroys a persons conscience and finally the relationship itself. Othello is initially portrayed as an honest natur ed individual of gallant status and fairish char dallyer. his love for Desdemona, his wife, acquires him the essence of a respectable, loving conserve, implying his success as a firm, yet affectionate husband.After Cassio is relieved of his duties by Othello, Desdemona promises to put an effort into convert her husband to take him back as his lieutenant. After multiple rejections and rebounds, the Moor finally gives in I will deny thee nothing. / Whereon I do be light uponch thee grant me this, / To leave me but a little to myself (Oth. 3. 3. 83-85). Although the Moor was very upset with Cassio, Desdemonas good-natured pleas were enough to change his foreland into reconsidering Cassios position.In locution that he would deny her nothing demonstrates his love for her and suggests that there is a additional place in his heart for his sweet wife that he cannot benefactor but succumb to at times. Furthermore, Othellos strong, sophisticated character is demonstrated done his log ical system and patience, emphasizing his greatness as a warrior. Upon being incriminate false doings and being challenged to a duel with his father-in-law, Brabantio, the Moor calmly responds, Hold your hands, / Both you of my inclining and the rest. / Where it my cue to fight, i should have cognise it / Without a prompter (Oth. . 2. 82-85). Othellos control over the situation makes it observable that he is a reasonable and gentle man, contrasting his self-control with Brabantios lack of restraint. Othellos make up reaction makes him seem more rational than his racist father-in-law by thought his actions through before reacting on impulse. Further analyzing the goodness of Othello, Anthony Hecht comments, While all over it is noted that he is given to self-dramatization, Iago, who has no affection for him, admits that he is of a free and open nature. Which is to say, he is both guileless and guileful.There is no unbelief of his courage, nor of his weakness (Hecht 19). Moreo ver, the trusting nature of the Moor is reflected in his relationship with others, suggesting his easy-going atmosphere. Needing his wife to be interpreted care of safely, he tells the Duke, So please your grace, my superannuated / A man he is of satin flower and trust. / To his conveyance i allot my wife, / With what else needful your good grace shall think / To be sent by and by me (Oth. 1. 3. 283-287). Othellos confidence in his relationship with his ancient, Iago, demonstrates his trusting personality.Once the Moor has belief that a man is trustworthy, he will give them his whole heart, reservation it evident of his value in loyalty. Yet, Othellos respectable qualities become the cause of his corruption, which bring upon jealousy, deception, and delusions, ultimately leading him closer to his tragic goal. Although the Moor loves Desdemona greatly, his strong bond with her has taken away the control he held for himself. Plotting against him, Iago muses to himself to himself , His soul is so enfetterd to her love / That she may make, unmake, do what she list, / Even as her appetite shall play the god / With his weak function (Oth. . 3. 316-319). Saying that Othello is enfetterd to her love, Iago is suggesting that his love for Desdemona is the Moors weakness, being chained to her in a way where she shall play the god and take away his achievement since he does not believe the Moor can think for himself. By willingly being with Desdemona, Othello puts himself in a position of vulnerability and cannot institutionalize anyone else for this but himself. Likewise, without seeming so at first, Othellos whole hearted trust in Iago becomes a mistake that he is not aware of initially.As Iago utilizes subtle consumption on the Moor, he successfully plants the seed of doubt in his mind, suggesting Desdemonas disloyalty to him. Othello says to him I think thou dost And, for i know thourt full of love and honesty And weighst thy words before thou givest them bre ath Therefore these stops of thine shake me the more For such things in a false disloyal imp Are tricks of custom but in a man thats retributive They are close dilations, working from the heart That passion cannot rule. (Oth. 3. 3. 117-124)The dramatic and literal caustic remark when Othello describes Iagos love and honesty demonstrates his unwise and gullible nature, making his full trust in him an error. The way Iagos pauses fright him the more concludes that the Moor has been tricked without realizing it and reflects his foolery despite his strong, controlled character. As critic William Hazlitt suggests, Ironically it is Othellos judgment that allows Iago to manipulate him Othello is a trusting man who believes that people are what they seem, thus believing in Iago because he appears to be honest and loyal (Hazlitt 29).Subsequently, logic, patience, and self-restraint has become disjointed in the Moor once his emotions have been used against him and his jealousy is vie o n. After Iago explains a dream he heard Cassio had about making love to Desdemona to Othello, the Moor says, But this denoted a foregone conclusion Tis a shrewd doubt, though it be but a dream (Oth. 3. 3. 428-429). so almost immediately after he concludes that he will tear her all to pieces (Oth. 3. 3. 432). Othello at this point in the play has transformed from the loving husband he once was, to a jealous individual that must act on his envy as soon as the chance arises.Ignoring the absence seizure of solid proof his wifes disloyalty, he has let Iago torture his conscience with lies and accordingly confusing and agitating his sanity. Consequently, Othellos corruption leads to sanatorium as he realizes excessively late the destruction his actions have caused that eventually bring him to his tragic death. His hamartia has come into play, which brings upon anarchy and reflects Othellos loss of control and reason. Convinced without proof that Desdemona has been fraud on him, he pr oclaims to Iago, Damn her, lewd minx O, damn her / Come, go with me apart. I will withdraw / To urnish me with some swift means of death / For the fair devil. Now art thou my lieutenant (Oth. 3. 3. 475-478). The Moors marriage is formally destroyed and his conclusion to make Iago, the man responsible for causing him grief, his rude(a) lieutenant guarantees his doom. His quick decision to kill Desdemona for her unfaithfulness without real assure demonstrates the destruction his jealousy has caused to their relationship. Inevitably, Othellos corruption becomes an unstoppable force, which ends in the deaths of many sincere lives. After killing his wide and confessing so to Emilia, Iagos wife, Othello explains Cassio did top her.Ask thy husband else. / O, I were damnd beneath all depth in hell / But that I did proceed upon just grounds / To this extremity. Thy husband knew it all (Oth. 5. 2. 136-139). Dramatic irony emphasizes how confused the Moor really is about what is delusion a nd what is reality because he uses Iagos word as proof, which is false, as well as going as far as to say I did proceed upon just grounds to this extremity. Othello did not actually have a just reason for committing his bloody act as Iago never gave him proof, reflecting the way in which jealousy corrupts the mind and an individuals entire reasoning.This all becomes evident once chaos was unleashed upon the Moor, which consequently costs him his nobility, marriage and life. The Moor realizes his mistakes too late, but comes to make that he is reasonably the one to blame for all the devastation he has caused. Upon becoming aware of Iagos true intentions and Desdemonas faithfulness, Othello speaks some of his last words When you shall these unredeemed deeds relate, Speak of me as I am. energy extenuate, Nor set down aught in malice. Then must you speak Of one that love not wisely, but too well Of one not intimately jealous, but, being wrought,Perplexd in the extreme of one whos e hand, Like the base Judean, thew a pearl away Richer than all his tribe (Oth. 5. 2. 341-349) Thus, Othello finally realizes his emotions were manipulated to do the deeds of an evil man he once trusted. A part of his old noble character us shown when he asks the soldiers to speak of him as he is. Nothing extenuate, / Nor set down aught in malice. His humbleness is paired with insolence because of the needless death of his wife brought upon by his own envious actions, demonstrating his own contribution to his tragic death.Also, as Shawn Smith believes,If Othello earlier in the opinion has been a minister of justice deliberating Desdemonas fate, he is now turning juridic attention to himself, and in doing so he recognizes his own mis-judgments. It is here we see Othello returning to his exotic narratives we associate with his language in the earliest scenes of the play. And in his return to these exotic narratives, Othello offers his retreat from Venetian life and, indeed, life totally (Smith 47). He simply cannot deny the errors in his accusations and the killing of his wife, foolishly throwing a pearl away. By experiencing the delusions of envy, Othello himself becomes the evil force behind the deception and deaths of vindicated people, including his own. He is initially loved and respected by many for his lpyalty, royal status, and honourable marriage. Nonetheless, the qualities he is honoured for become his imperfections, resulting in deception, jealousy, and his fall from nobility. Consequently, chaos ensues and destroys a once loving marriage and sane man. Thus, jealousy transforms an individual to defame those they love most, a dangerous and monstrous emotion that requires reason and logic to restrain it from destroying relationships.
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